
How is SLA time calculated in tickets?

The SLA time in the tickets is given using the response time (set for the priority) in relation to the working hours set in the system and applied.


The ticket X with priority "Default" appears in the list of requests on 21.02 at 10:00 a.m. The company works from 8:00 to 16:00, and the response time of the priority set is 12 hours. In this situation, the response time to the request will be:

  • 6 hours from the remaining working hours of the day on which the notification appeared (calculated from 10:00-16:00),
  • another 6 hours from the next day from the start of work (i.e. from 8:00-14:00).

Thus, the time to respond to the ticket (response time) will expire on 22.02 at 14:00.

The SLA time shown on the ticket list will show what number of hours are left before the response time is exceeded, i.e. we will see the time between 10:00 on 21.02 and 14:00 on 22.02, which will be 28 hours (hours after working time are also included here).

It is worth remembering that the SLA time is given for the moment we look at the list of tickets - from the current hour to its end time. The moment we look at the list of tickets, we see, in a sense, a "countdown" of how many hours are left at any given time, for each ticket, to exceed its response time (in this case, 12 hours) calculated according to the preservation of working hours.

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