is a platform that provides easy-to-use, yet highly functional tools for marketing, sales and support departments. Send personalized messages to the right user, always at the right time.
For more information on this solution, visit
Scope of integration
- Transfer of marketing consent information between systems,
- Automatic addition of a customer based on a lead from,
- Update personal data and mapped fields between Thulium and
Step by step
We will show you step by step how to integrate Thulium with system.
From the Administration tab, select Advanced → Integrations.
A window with available integrations will appear on the screen - select from the CRM section.
Next, authenticate the application:
- System name - subdomain name in,
- API key - the API key generated in,
- Custom field storing the customer key from - CRM custom field of text type to store ID.
The API key is available in the panel under Settings → Application Settings → Advanced → Public REST API Key.
Click and copy the generated key into Thulium.
After entering the authorization data in the Thulium panel, click to authenticate the integration.
If the authentication is successful, an appropriate message will appear on the screen:
By clicking the button, we can start authentication again.
After authenticating the application, you need to complete Other data.
You need to create the corresponding custom field text type for integration beforehand.
If the other data have been entered within the integration configuration in the Thulium panel, such integration can be saved by clicking or save and run
at the same time.
To transfer the values of custom fields between the platform and the Thulium system, click Add and assign an attribute to a CRM special field (e.g. marketing consents).
The type of CRM custom field must match the attribute type in, e.g. Yes/No type.
The next step is to run the appropriate automation in, to do so, go to the Automation section and use the button.
We select the trigger Client's attribute change and New user and the action API call.
For the API call, we specify as the URL where system-name is the name of our instance in Thulium. Fill in the rest of the data as follows:
The schema itself should look as follows:
Save the changes made by clicking .
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