
System owners

A System owner is a User who has the authority to change, for example, the number of licenses as well as to order system updates on a daily basis. In addition, the Owner is entitled to obtain detailed information about Thulium services such as reports, statistics, etc.

By default, the Owner is the person who set up the Thulium system - he can grant as well as revoke such permissions to other Users.

The list of Owners is available in the Administration tab, where you should select UsersSystem owners.



The System owners module can only be accessed by the User who is the Owner.


The email and phone fields are related to the data entered within the Users module.

To add a new Owner, click file and select a specific person from the list of Users in the new window and confirm by clicking file:


The newly added Owner will appear in the list and additionally his user card will be marked accordingly:


To remove a User from the list of Owners, click file. When doing so, make sure that at least one Owner remains in the system.

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