The Insights report provides a comprehensive analysis of key indicators related to Omnichannel service and the work of a given Agent. Insights examines the work methodology in the areas handled by the Consultant and allows to draw conclusions aimed at full evaluation of his/her activities. One of the unique advantages of this solution is the ability to study trends in comparison with the corresponding previous period. To use this report, go to Reports → Agents → Insights.
To select a specific Consultant, click on .
If a particular Consultant is not selected, data will be displayed for the entire Customer Service team. Selecting more than one Consultant analyzes the work of all selected within the given communication channels.
Insights by default displays analytical data from the last 7 days to change the time examined click on the .
The Insights report displays information for a maximum time period of 31 days. Times in this report are calculated to the nearest millisecond.
1. Infoline
- Calls offered - number of all call offers that rang at the Agent,
- Calls handled - calls that were answered by the Agent,
- Callbacks made - number of callbacks made within the Infoline queue by the Agent,
- Call transfers - number of calls that were transferred to another Agent or to another queue,
- Average call time - average duration of a conversation between a Customer and an Agent,
- Total talk time - total duration of conversations between Clients and the Consultant,
- Service level agent - determines what percentage of the calls offered are calls received by the Agent.
Did you know...💡
Service level agent is a key indicator that determines the % of calls offered that were answered by a given Consultant. We aim for a situation where every call offered to an Agent is answered by that Agent.
For the above indicators there are visible trends, in the case of a value of “-” it means a decrease in such relative to the preceding period. If the indicator is with a “+” sign, the current value of the indicator is higher by a given value compared to the same preceding period. Trends for the number of calls are expressed in percent, for times in hours; and for SLA in percentage points.
Top 5 call topics indicates what were the most popular cases under which customers contacted the Agent.
The Top 5 tags chart indicates the most frequently used tags within the Infoline service over a given period of time.
The graph Time to answer a call tells us at what time intervals from the moment the call entered the queue it was answered by the Agent. If you hover the cursor over a given bar, a specific numerical value will appear (how many calls have been answered during this time).
The Heat map above visually depicts the intensity, in this case, of the calls offered that appeared on a given day in a specific hourly interval. Hovering over a given tile will show us the number of connections in a specific hour of the studied day. Vertically, we have the % share of the given hours in the studied time range to the total. Horizontally, the % share tells us what part of all calls in the examined period are calls from a given day.
If you hover over and click, you will be able to select Heat map for Handled connections.
2. Campaigns
- Calls made - number of all calls made to the Customer,
- Calls answered - calls that were answered by the Customer,
- Calls over 20 sec. - number of calls received by the Customer that lasted more than 20 seconds,
- Average talk time - average duration of a conversation between a Customer and an Agent,
- Total talk time - total duration of conversations between Clients and the Consultant,
- Contact Rate - determines what percentage of calls made are calls answered by the Customer.
Did you know...💡
The Contact Rate indicator determines the effectiveness of the Agent's call making and is related to the call status Answered.
The Top 5 call statuses summary shows the percentage distribution of calls according to their result. When you hover the cursor over a given slice of the chart, the specific value (amount) of a given call result will be shown.
The Top 5 call topics indicates what were the most popular issues within the calls made by the Consultant.
Another Heat map compiles the number of calls made by an Agent on a given day within a specified hourly range.
If you hover over and click, you will be able to select Heat map for Handled connections.
3. TIckets
The data for tickets are related to the assignment of a particular Agent to them. Unassigned tickets are not taken into account. The date in this case means that the tickets were created in the particular period under study, and it is such that the specific indicators apply.
- Open tickets - tickets of a given Agent that are not currently closed and originated during the time period under review,
- Closed tickets - tickets assigned to a Consultant that are currently closed and originated within the analyzed time range,
- Answered tickets - Agent's tickets within the terms of which answers were provided,
- Callbacks made - number of callback attempts from tickets assigned to a given Consultant arising in a given period of time,
- Average first response time - average time for the first response in business hours for tickets created during the time period under study,
- Average closing time - average time for the first closure in business hours for tickets that arose during the analyzed time period,
- First Contact Resolution (FCR) - % of tickets that closed with up to one Agent response and are further closed.
Did you know...💡
First Contact Resolution is a parameter that determines the % of cases that were resolved during the first contact with a Consultant. It is considered one of the most important indicators for a Contact Center.
In the case of Top 5 ticket categories, the share of all selected categories for the created tickets in a given period is collected. Categories that are not in the Top 5 are additionally collected as Other so that their share is visible in relation to the total. Similarly, the same is done for the other Top 5 charts.
Top 5 ticket statuses compiles the share of the most popular ticket statuses that are currently selected for tickets assigned to an Agent from a given time period.
The summary Ticket sources determines the percentage distribution of tickets created based on a given type of contact. It allows you to determine what is the most common source that causes a ticket to be created.
Purpose of Top 5 tags is to indicate the most frequently used tags within the created tickets over a given period of time.
The Heat map above visually depicts the intensity, in this case, of new tickets assigned to an Agent that occurred on a given day within a certain hourly interval.
If you hover over and click, you will be able to select the Heat map for the Closed tickets event.
4. Chat
- Chats offered - number of chats assigned to the Agent with the Customer's message,
- Chats handled - number of chats with the Customer's message to which the Agent wrote back,
- Empty chats - chats without the Customer's message that went to the Agent,
- Chat transfers - number of transfers to another queue or to another Agent,
- Average first reply time - average response time to chats with customer messages,
- Average chat time - average duration of chats with the Customer's message and served by the Agent,
- Service level agent - determines what percentage of chats offered are chats handled by the Agent.
The Top 5 tags chart indicates the most frequently used tags within the support of chats assigned to the Agent in a given time period.
Submitted by indicates whether the chat was forwarded to be handled by the Agent directly or by the Chatbot.
Another Heat map visually depicts the intensity in this case of the chats offered, which appeared on a given day in a specific hour interval.
If you hover over and click, you will be able to select Heat map for Handled chats.
5. Agent work
- Average pause time - average time of all pauses attributable to Agents logged in during a given period,
- Total pause time - aggregated time of all pauses attributable to Agents logged in,
- Average login time - averaged login time per Agents logged in at a given time,
- Total login time - aggregated login time per Agents logged in at a given time.
The Customer satisfaction overview shows the ratings awarded to the Agent within the communication channels it supports.
Agent workload is the percentage of supported communication channels of a given Agent.
The Top 5 pauses chart compiles the most frequently used pauses by an Agent, when you hover over a particular pause, the amount of time spent on that pause will be displayed.
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