
Scheduled callbacks

The Chats → Scheduled callbacks report compiles detailed information on callbacks ordered going forward. You can check for when a given customer has ordered callbacks and at what hours of the day you should be ready for the highest callback traffic. In addition, you will check which callbacks have already expired (did not reach the declared hour).



  • Date - date and time of scheduled callback,
  • Phone number - phone number of the person ordering the callback,
  • Customer - CRM customer data ordering a callback,
  • Queue - name of the queue within which the callback will be performed,
  • Status - callback status (Scheduled, Expired).

If you need to select a specific phone number or queue, click on the file.

The list of scheduled callbacks contains information on which customer from the CRM we will call (a blank field means that the record was not in the CRM at the time the callback was scheduled). When you click on a particular customer, you will be redirected to a specific CRM card.

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