
Inbound calls

The Inbound calls report allows you to view and search for calls made on your hotline service. You can get detailed information about the calls made by your agents including their progress, duration, subject and queue name. To use this report, go to ReportsInfolineInbound calls.



Call filtering

The report has an extensive filter system, to use it, click file.


  • Source number - customer phone number,
  • Queue - name of the queue within which the conversation was held,
  • Agent - data of the Agent receiving the call,
  • Call ID - call identifier,
  • Tags - tags assigned to a particular call,
  • Call topic - topic of conversation selected during the call,
  • Call description - note of the conversation,
  • Customer rating - rating given by the customer after talking to the Consultant,
  • Talk time - conversation duration,
  • Wait time - waiting time to answer a call,
  • Call time - hourly interval in which the call took place,
  • Transferred to - name of the Agent to whom the call was transferred,
  • Callback from - selection of the method of calling back the customer (Queue, Click2Contact, Click2Contact (for later)),
  • Company - company data (name),
  • IVR branch - last branch from which the switch to the queue occurred.

After selecting the filters, the selected connections will automatically appear in the list:


Clicking on file will remove all selected filters and set the date of the call to the current day - that is, it will lead to a situation of showing all calls from today that we have access to.

Czy wiesz, że...💡

Filter Call date by default shows today's date, to change this you need to click on it and select the time period you are interested in and confirm with the button file: file

In addition, it is possible to search for calls by partial phone number (source and destination number) by using the file search engine and entering and confirming with enter the number you are looking for. By clicking Ctrl + Shift + f you can quickly call up the search engine and enter the searched value.


Within the same search, you can use the available shortcuts:




If you often use a certain type of filters you can save this setting. The next time you want to search for connections in the same way, all you have to do is choose a scheme. How will you do it? After selecting the filters, click on the filter slider file, and then select file.


In the window, enter the name of the filter and decide whether it will be visible to all or private. At this stage it is still possible to modify the saved set of filters. After selecting them, confirm your choice by clicking file.

The created filter will appear under the slider with the division into Public and Private filters.


To edit existing filters, click on the file symbol, and then click:


A predefined set of public/private filters can be set as the default by selecting the option file.

List of calls

Each connection is described by the following default columns:

  • Call ID - call identifier,
  • Date of call answer - date and time when the Agent received the call,
  • Talk time - conversation duration,
  • Source number - customer phone number,
  • Customer - customer data (name and surname),
  • Queue - name of the queue within which the conversation was held,
  • Agent - data of the Agent receiving the call,
  • Call topic - topic of conversation selected during the call,
  • Tags - tags assigned to a particular call,
  • Recording - recording of the agent's conversation with the customer.

By expanding file you can include additional columns of data:


  • Date of connection to queue - date and time of the Customer's call to the infoline queue,
  • End date - Date and time of ending the call with the Agent,
  • Wait time - waiting time to answer a call,
  • Customer ID - customer identifier,
  • Company - company data (name),
  • Destination number - phone number the customer called,
  • Callback from - information whether the call was made as a callback from the Click2Contact widget or perhaps within the Queue,
  • Agents group - group to which the Agent conducting the conversation belongs,
  • Topic group - conversation topic group,
  • Call description - note of the conversation,
  • Rating - internal evaluation of the conversation,
  • Rating comment - comment on the rating given,
  • Disconnected by - information about who ended the call (agent or customer) and the transfer (to what number),
  • Ticket - refers back to the ticket that was set up during the phone call,
  • Customer rating - rating given by the Customer after talking to the Consultant,
  • Customer comment - rating commentary made by the Customer after the interview is completed,
  • Rating date - date and time of the Customer's evaluation,
  • Transferred to - name of the agent to whom the call was switched,
  • IVR branch - last branch from which the switch to the queue occurred,
  • Topic custom fields - added custom call topic fields.

Columns can be expanded by left-clicking on an edge and moving the cursor.


To change the order of fields, click on such a field and then move left/right.

Exporting calls

Exporting the call list is possible by clicking file.



Checking the conversation topics fields in the list of displayed columns will add such topics to the exported file.

To forward a link to a given list of connections including selected filters to another User click on file.

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