
My chats

The My reports - My chats report allows you to see all chats conducted by a logged-in agent.


When you click on a selected conversation, you can see its progress on the right side of the screen.


You can search for messages using filters:


  • Conversation ID - individual ID of a given conversation,
  • Agent - agent who participated in the conversation,
  • Customer - customer with whom chat was conducted,
  • Chatbot - chatbot that participated in the conversation,
  • Queue - queue from which you want to see the calls,
  • Email - email address of the customer with whom the chat was conducted,
  • Content - message content,
  • Rating - customer rating (sad face, neutral face, smiling face),
  • Ended by - chats that have been ended by a customer, agent, chatbot or system,
  • Handled by - chats that were handled by an agent, chatbot or chatbot and agent,
  • Start date - start date of the chat,
  • First response time - time interval expressed in seconds for the response in a chat that was directed to the agent (without empty chats),
  • Tags - tags with which chats have been marked,
  • IP address - customer's IP address,
  • Source contains - link of the page from which the customer connected,
  • With GDPR consent - chats for which consent has been given to process data,
  • Unanswered - messages that did not get a response.

When you select a conversation on the right, you can see its progress.


To hide the chat dialog, click file.

Each chat is described by the following columns:

  • Conversation ID - individual ID of a given conversation,
  • file - amount of chat interaction,
  • Start date - date and time of the conversation start,
  • Duration - duration of chat,
  • Queue - chat queue name,
  • Transfer to - name of the queue to which the transfer took place,
  • Customer - name of the customer who starts the chat,
  • Email - e-mail address of the customer who starts the chat,
  • Agent - name of the agent who received the chat,
  • Ended by - information about who ended the chat (Client/Agent/Chatbot/System),
  • Rating - customer's rating of the chat (sad, neutral or smiling smiley face),
  • Comment - comment on the rating given,
  • Tags - tags assigned to the conversation,
  • GDPR consent - The customer has/has not given GDPR consent for the chat,
  • Handled by agent - whether the chat was handled by an agent,
  • Handled by bot - whether the chatbot handled the chat,
  • Agent's first response time - time after which the customer's message was first written back by the agent,
  • Source - source of the page from which the chat was started,
  • IP address - customer's IP address,
  • Operating system - system used by the customer,
  • Browser - browser used by the customer during the chat,
  • Resolution - customer's screen resolution.

If you check the file box for a given chat, you can do the following:

  • file - add customer,
  • file - assign customer,
  • file - add ticket,
  • file - delete conversation.


As part of the activities on the columns, it is possible:


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