
Ticket macros

Ticket macros allow you to prepare a set of actions that can be called from the ticket level. Preparing such a macro, you can, for example, set a priority raise, send a message from a template and select a particular category, which will significantly speed up the ticket handling.

Go to Administration → Tickets → Ticket macros.



Macros, by virtue of being called manually by the User, are based on defining Actions.

In order to add a new macro, click on the button file.

Then we set the action to be executed when the macro is clicked in the ticket:



  • Add tags - adding tags to the ticket,
  • Unassign user - clears the User who is currently assigned to the ticket,
  • Delete ticket - deletes ticket from the system,
  • Send the customer a message from a template - sends a message template to the assigned Client,
  • Change category - changes category to the selected one,
  • Change queue - changes the queue to the selected one,
  • Change priority - changes priority to selected,
  • Change assigned user - sets the User to the selected,
  • Change status - changes status to selected.


The ability to use a macro containing the action Send the customer a message from a template will depend on the ticket source and template type (Email, EmpikPlace, Allegro Discussions). The action Unassign user will work if the tickets parameter Allow reassignment to empty is enabled.

In addition, it is recommended to give an individual name to the macro so that it can be easily searched and selected from the ticket level. The changes made should be approved by clicking file.


Each rule can consist of several conditions - you add them by clicking file (condition of type “and”).

To change the order of the performed actions, hold down the file button and set the selected action higher or lower.


Did you know...💡

Macros for tickets can be easily deactivated/activated by clicking on the file

To use a particular macro in a ticket, click on file, and then select one of the available macros.


Did you know...💡

Actions within a macro are assigned on the User who launched this macro: file

When a macro is used for the first time, or when such a macro is used after changes, a list of actions will be displayed within the macro. To not show this message again until the macro is changed, check the file checkbox.


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