
Override configuration for SMS sender field

The Thulium SMS gateway provides the possibility to present an alphanumeric sender field when sending, e.g. with the company name after verification and approval by Thulium. This field can contain up to 11 characters and can only be used for premium SMS messages.

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The recipient of such a message has no way to respond to it.

We will show you step by step how to add Thulium SMS gateway with override correctly.

  1. From the Administration tab, select TelecommunicationSubscriber Panel.


  1. Within the Subscriber Panel click file:


  1. You will be taken to the operator client panel, where you need to click on the SMS Seder CLIP SMS tab. There, click on the button file.

  2. Select Custom as the field type and enter your own field name in the Sender field.


  1. The sender field will then be sent to Thulium for approval. This may take a maximum of one business day.

The status of a field is indicated by an icon to its left where:

  • green “check” icon indicates approved sender field,
  • red triangle with exclamation mark - sender field not approved.


  1. In the Thulium system select AdministrationAdvancedE-mail and SMS configuration:


  1. Click file and select the option SMSThulium - overwrite.



  1. We enter a custom name for a specific gateway, e.g. override, indicate that the gateway is to be used for sending messages, and enter in the Name of sender field the value that was previously approved in the operator client panel.

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