
Response templates

Response templates allow you to quickly respond to the customer on frequently occurring inquiries. For example, if customers often ask about the scope of services performed, it is worth preparing a ready-made message - this will save time and allow you to respond quickly.

From the Administration tab, select TicketsResponse templates, and then click file.



  • Template name - type the name of the template,
  • New e-mail subject - type the subject of your ticket,
  • Body - type the content of the message that will be sent to the customer,
  • Insert value - select the value to be dynamically retrieved from the customer's card,
    • {{TICKET_ID}} - ticket id number,
    • {{NAME}} - name (works only for customers),
    • {{SURNAME}} - surname (for customers) or company name (for companies),
    • {{PESEL}} - PESEL number,
    • {{PHONE}} - phone number,
    • {{USER_NAME}} - Thulium user name,
    • {{USER_SURNAME}} - Thulium user surname,
    • {{USER_LOGIN}} - Thulium user login,
    • {{USER_EMAIL}} - Thulium user's e-mail address,
    • {{CUSTOM:name}} - custom field with any name,
  • Template available in queues - select the queues in which the template will be available. If none of the queues is selected then the template will appear in all queues,
  • Category - enter a ticket category.

You can add an image to the template - just drag and drop the file.

You can specify whether the template should be active and if you want - add an attachment.


Once completed, click file.

Did you know...💡

If you want to create a template, all you need to do is fill in the name and content of the template.

By responding to the ticket, you will be able to select the template you created.


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